Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cheer

My fabulous niece found this and I thought it was worth sharing.  I think that this is a universal favorite.  What is your favorite Christmas song?


Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am a member of the newly formed "Swap Sisters" that has been started by several of us from UStamp With Dawn and Friends. I'm excited to keep in contact with these wonderful ladies I met last month. This network is for Stampin' Up! demonstrators to be able to share, inspire, and chat. Sue Denning has done an incredible job getting everything arranged! We are going to kick off in January, so if you are a SU demo and would like to participate, let me know!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Moving Day

This layout is about the move to our new home.  We were so excited and so grateful to the many people who helped us. 2002-7_Moving1_web Here are three of our sons taking a break.  I had a little fun with the thought bubble.  Since this is a masculine page and a bit grubby I had fun with this worn notebook paper and elements by Gunhild Storeide.  She has some great freebies every Friday from Norway.  I love seeing the amazing creativity of so many people.  They inspire me to be more creative.  I really appreciate the generosity of so many people who share with the rest of us.

I learned a new technique in this layout.  2002-7_Moving2_web There was an area that needed to be filled in and I learned how to do it with the clone tool.  My mind is reeling with the possibilities of this tool and I can’t wait to try it again.  Since I only had two decent pictures for this layout I used the second page to journal.  I always have lots to say and love to tell stories so a place for journaling is great for me.  I also like the fact that I can share these stories with all of our family.  We are all so spread out geographically that it is hard to stay connected as much as we would like to.  I wish that we would have had these tools when my children were young.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a very nice holiday weekend. Hopefully my news will make it even better.  I have just become a "Stampin' Up" demonstrator. I have lots to learn, but I am excited for this new opportunity!

Stampin' Up is currently having a huge  
Holiday Extravaganza with lots of items from 30% - 50% off. This sale runs through Nov. 30th so there are only two more days to shop! Take a look because there are some amazing deals!

Starting a new business is both exciting and terrifying.  If you would like to support my new venture and order from my Stampin' Up website, click here

Here is the website address if the link fails to work. I am still learning how to do that.

Here are some samples of cards I have made with Stampin' Up supplies.  


Stampin' Up has some great supplies and ideas for scrapbooking, card making, and other paper crafts.  Please let me know if I can be of help to you as you make your preparations for the holiday season.

I hope everyone continues to have a safe and happy holiday season!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Family Theme Party!

This is a fun layout because it brings back some fun memories that I wish could continue.  My husband’s siblings got together quarterly to have a Theme Party.  2002_GrafThemeParty1_webThe host would decide on the theme and then assign food based on that theme.  We always dressed up and had so much fun.  I don’t know why we didn’t take more pictures at this party but since I like to do two-page layouts I used the second page to journal.  I didn’t have any quilt backgrounds so this is my first attempt at making my own background for a layout.  2002_GrafThemeParty2_webI am not happy with the texture but I now want to research and figure it out.  Here is a layout about our Amish party.  Thanks Brenda and Merick for such a great idea and fun time.  Two of our families moved from the area so now we don’t have as many theme parties but I wish that we could.  Our lives have also gotten busier with more children and grandchildren and busier lives

Because of Asthma I can’t go back to the area where everyone else lives (without getting sick) so that kind of puts a damper on plans.  Sorry guys!  Maybe this summer we can have another theme party here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time With Grandchildren

Here is another Digital Layout for my Christmas Gift Album.  I used Spring Into Boyhood by Misty Cato Designs and I also used her Date Bits 12.  I really loved these kits for a casual feel for my 44th Birthday with some of my grandchildren.  I can’t think of a better way to spend the day, except to have ALL of my grandchildren with me!


One of my favorite things is literature so I read a lot or listen to audiobooks.  I have tried to make sure that my children and grandchildren were exposed to a wide variety of literature.  Reading opens up the gateway to learning and I never wanted my kids or grandchildren to feel like they couldn’t find answers.  Taking a break and visiting a far off place, another world or any other kind of adventure is also a great reason to read.  Sometimes we all need a break.  History is also another passion of mine and we can learn so much from reading about the past.  Learning is so important but sometimes we need a bit of fun as we do it.

In the first layout my husband is on the floor playing which is a normal activity for him.  He is just a big kid and I’m glad.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Celebrations are so fun and I love to try to make them special.  Not everyone feels this way.  To me, to be able to celebrate the birth of someone is to celebrate their life.  I don’t mean that there needs to be lots of presents or that we have to spend a lot of money.  There are lots of ways to let someone know that we love them and are glad that we are a part of their life.

During this Birthday celebration the hand balloon pump was a big hit.  We blew up different shaped balloons and made funny animals and crazy head gear.  Not a lot of money but LOTS of fun.

2002_IsaBday1_web This layout is the celebration of one of our granddaughters.  Isa has a brother but is so delicate and ladylike.  She has the cutest little giggle and gives wonderful hugs.  Even though she isn’t the oldest child in her family she mothers everyone gently.  I am so grateful that she is in our lives.  At the time these pictures were taken these grandchildren would spend several days a week with us and it was so fun to watch the dynamics and growth of each child. 

I had just married their grandfather that year and so I was new to the family.  2002_IsaBday2_webAll three of these grandchildren pictured was introduced to me and their parents explained the circumstances and I fell in love instantly.  The kids just accepted me and we were soon playing on the floor as if we always had.  I am so grateful for the innocent acceptance that I received and for all the time we were able to spend together.

Sadly one family moved from the area.  Because of health, we moved also.  We now only get to visit each other for short periods and phone calls.  I miss them so much but every time we talk on the phone it is as if no time has passed.  More children have been added and we still have many reasons to celebrate these precious lives.  We pray for them daily and think of them often.  We love all of you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tale of Two Brains

Whether you are a man or a woman, single or in a relationship, you need to watch this video.  I saw it last year and so much about men and women (and the way they think) made sense.  Why didn't anyone tell me about this before?!  I'm jelous becaus I want a "Nothing Box!"

After you've watched this video, post a comment about what you would be doing if you had a "Nothing Box." 

Me?  I would be in my hammock with a light mountain breeze keeping me cool and a stream gurgling nearby (not too close because I'm allergic to mesquitoes!), an icy drink and a book close at hand.  Ahhh bliss.  You may argue that I'm doing something, but in my life this is doing nothing.

Faith...30 Years Later?

As I was going through old photos I ran into this photo of me in 1979. Maybe it’s because I was reading some blogs this morning, of 20-something girls looking at life, but I was taken back to this day and my life. I was 21 years old and on a picnic with my husband and baby boy. I was a few months away from giving birth to my second son. Life was so different then, no internet, no cell phones, no digital anything, cable TV was in it’s infancy (it was 1984 before we could afford it), etc.

Back then I pretty much ran on faith. Faith that if I did what I thought was right everything would be fine. Faith that most of the world tried to do what was right and best for those they loved.

Thirty years later, one divorce, a second marriage, three sons, eight step-children, 16 grandchildren, technology and information readily available 24/7, health issues, the list could go on forever. Who have I become and do I still have faith in human nature?

I’ve seen so much crime, destruction, violence, betrayal, divorce, war. How could I have faith when I’ve seen so much in my personal life and even worse on the news (which I don’t watch hardly ever anymore). How could I teach my children about faith when they have grown up surrounded by people who would hurt them or take advantage of them so easily?

I don’t know all of the answers but yes I do still run on faith and hope for the future. I’ve taught my children to have faith in God, to trust in those of us who love them. Over the years I’ve learned to be wary of who I trust but to give myself completely to those that I love. As I’ve watched my children and grandchildren grow and mature I’ve wondered what life would be like if we didn’t have faith and hope for the future.

The answer that I’ve come up with is that I wouldn’t want to live without faith because it gives us hope and with hope comes growth. If we didn’t have hope in the future why even try? Some people have called me naive but I have chosen to look forward to the future and enjoy my life and loved ones. Sometimes I leave myself vulnerable and get hurt but I would rather try for a better future than hide from the joy of living.

As we see natural and man-made disasters play out there is always a group of people who have survived, who have put their lives in jeopardy to help others and to give up luxuries to make sure that others have necessities. This always makes me emotional because it tells me that I’m not alone.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Setting Goals and Taking Journeys (Tammy)

One of the goals that I have for this blog is to spend time with my sister doing the things that we love to do. Since we don’t live near each other this blog is perfect. This way we can share our passion with each other, family and friends (Christy, we miss swapping cards with you and seeing your amazing talent but we know that you are doing far more important work right now. There is a time for every season under Heaven…)

Another goal that I have is to scrapbook more. Between my husband and I we are the keeper of three families pictures. We need to share those photos and memories with all of the members of those families. Since Hybrid Scrapbooking would be too hard to share with everyone I decided to try Digital Scrapbooking. Perfect match!

I am a bit of a computer geek and this way even when I don’t feel good enough to get out paper, trimmer and glue I can scrap memories and pass out CD’s of our families history.

So how do I keep track of my goal? I need to set a long-term goal and then smaller goals to help me reach the long-term goal…right? I need to get a scrapbook ready for this Christmas and I am way behind. Today we took out our boxes of photo’s and I chose two months of pictures from the time that my husband and I got married (Seven 1/2 years ago). These were the safest pictures to choose since I can make one album that will include everyone (instead of doing three albums to cover all three families). I am going to work on these pictures until I have enough pictures for a scrapbook.

So since I need an album done for Christmas and I am laid up I decided to set a goal of at least two layouts (4 pgs.) per week so that in the next five weeks I will have at least 10 layouts (20 pgs.). Since I have so much to do I am going to use some templates to speed things up. I have lots of great digital paper and embellishments from Scrappers Guide and then downloaded a few cluster frames from Designer Digitals. I think I’m set. I will report back here every Tuesday.

TODAY’S FAVORITES: Digital Scrapbook Supplies

Falling in Love by Ashalee Wall

Photo Clusters by Katie Pertiet

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gifts From Bella!

I had to share these fabulous gifts with you that I received from my Swap Sister on UStamp.  Bella is the kind person who organized the swap between lots of women from all over the world.  Since I didn't have any Stamp'in Up products (which I found out is one of the requirements) she was gracious enough to swap with me so that I could participate.

I received this great package full of these fabulous cards and this adorable calendar.  They all look so professional and I love the variety.  Thank you Bella!

Here is a closer look at the cards laying down.

Not to forget this adorable calendar which I love love love!  This calendar is so my taste.  I like things a little worn that have muted colors and this is perfect!

I haven't been able to make hardly any of the projects but they have all of the details on .pdf files that I download and save for when I can make them.  I am so glad my sister lured me to that event.  Be sure to check out Bella's blog on the link in the title.  Thanks Bella!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

BFS Day 5 - Learning From Your Surroundings (Tammy)

BFS Day 4 – Meaning from the Mundane (Tammy)

Today we are supposed to blog about something everyday and make it interesting. I’m of the opinion that almost anything can be turned into an adventure. Recently I was talking to my nephew as I drove him to the airport to report to Air Force Boot Camp. I made the remark that this was going to be such a great adventure and he said that the word “adventure” was overused and he didn’t agree. I informed him that wherever I go and whatever I do I try to make it an adventure. I think that he was rolling his eyes at his crazy aunt but I don’t care. Life is what we make it and I love adventures therefore I have lots of them. Whenever my sister and I are together we have so much fun doing mundane things…hence the name of our blog.

My sister, Jerri Ann, and I were in Paris trying to find the American Express Office (a story for another day) and while getting lost on the Tube we stumbled into an Opera House that was designed by Garnier. It was so beautiful and interesting and the architecture was amazing (of course it was being renovated so we didn’t get to see all of it but what we did see was fabulous) . The important part of this story is that while lost we were able to see parts of Paris that we wouldn’t normally see…and we had a good time along the way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that being in Paris is mundane or boring, at least not for me. I’m just saying that no matter where you are your attitude can make or break the experience.

I haven’t scrapped that excursion yet but I have scrapped our adventure at the hotel in Paris. As we got off the train from London, it was cloudy and raining but we were prepared with our trusty rain coats and umbrellas. We kept joking that we didn’t mind the rain because rain or shine we were in Paris! OK so we were in Paris in November but we were still in Paris. We had a hard time finding our hotel because of course neither of us speak French (and it was raining and getting dark) but we did find a great book store where my sister stocked up on children's books for a friend that was teaching her children French. We also looked through some city maps for our hotel.

- Click scrapbook page for a larger image -

We finally made it to our hotel and thankfully the hotel clerk spoke enough English that we could check in. Since my sister had been to Paris before she warned me that a lot of the old buildings don’t have elevators so when we made our reservations we made sure to find one with an elevator. My sister’s knees were giving her trouble and my Fibromyalgia made it hard for me to carry luggage up too many flights of stairs.

We ask the clerk where the elevator was and she showed us this little closet size elevator at the bottom of a winding staircase. After the clerk leaves, my sister and I look at each other with wide eyes because we can’t believe how small the elevator is. It takes us several tries but we finally get most of the luggage (two suitcases stacked and a messenger bag) in the elevator and then my sister barely squeezes in. She pushes the button and this terrible sound accompanies her as she is carried up to the third (?) floor. To help you get a good visual here, you have to know this about my sister, she has these huge beautiful eyes and when the noise started her eyes went bigger than I had ever seen them. I saw in her eyes a combination of fear and disbelief. I think that she was thinking that the stairs didn’t look so bad after all. In the mean time I carry a smaller bag up a winding staircase and beat the elevator to our floor!

We take our luggage to our room and unpack and collapse for a bit. Finally hunger drives us out of our room and we giggle as we both try to fit into the elevator. I’m not kidding! We both fit in sideways, facing each other (we had definitely encroached on each others personal space) and then one of us had to reach around the other one to push the button to go down. We tried not to giggle too loud, we didn’t want to look and sound totally touristy, but it was so hard not to. The clerk was probably shaking her head and muttering “silly Americans!” If I were her I would have had a good laugh watching us.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Years ago when our grandparents went to Europe they came back with all of these great black and white photos, which was all that was available back then. Since the skies were dark and cloudy and we were in Europe I thought that black and white would be the best way to document our trip – a bit of romance (in my mind anyway). Jerri Ann thought I was crazy for taking so many black and white pictures. OK, so maybe she was annoyed that I had to take color and then black and white of almost everything. So, I made this layout to reflect my view of this experience. I wanted the pictures to look like they could have been taken back in the 50’s or 60’s. I’m thinking of an Audrey Hepburn look. I wish that I had owned PhotoShop Elements back then because I could have saved us both some time and my sister some eye rolling.

As I read back over this blog I realize that this sounds more like a Lucy and Ethel episode than an Audrey Hepburn Film. Oh well, we had fun and now have those memories forever in our minds and now in a scrapbook layout.

BFS Day 3 – Playing Favorites (Tammy)

We are supposed to make a list of five favorites. We can make any kind of list that we want and Shimelle gave us some great ideas and examples. On my personal blog I started to list my blessings on the side bar but I love this idea so I may change it up a bit. So here goes my current Five Favs:

- Click scrapbook page for a larger image -

Links so that you can check them out:
#1: Mel Stampz  Everything she makes is beautiful and so creative.  I get inspired here.
#2: PaperTreyInk Giga Guide Lines - I'm saving up for the trio!

#3: Zion’s Kolob Canyon  If you get the chance you should visit Zion and Kolob.  It is stunning!
#4: Homemade Snickerdoodle Cookies  I just made these and they are so YUMMY!
#5: Blogging for Scrapbookers  This class has been a lot of fun and has some good challenges.  It may make my posts more interesting and readable.  Please don't judge the class on my meager beginnings though.  Thanks Shemelle!

I like to scrapbook in two page layouts so the other half of this layout is a list of why these five things are my current favs.  As I look at my scrapbook page I realize that it is pretty busy and doesn't have a lot of contrast.  I'm going to have to think on this...

BFS Day 2 – Public or Private (Tammy)

I have been blogging in Windows Live Writer, as suggested by one of my classmates and I like it so far until it comes time to publish.  I can preview my content in my blog, I just can't publish.  Arghhhhh!  So I am now going to publish about four blogs in one day.  I keep thinking that maybe it will work but alas it hasn't yet.  If anyone has any good ideas please include them in the comments.  Thanks

The Day 2 prompt for Blogging for Scrapbookers talks about what kind of personal information we should post on our blogs.

There are times when I talk about personal stuff but I try to be careful about information about my home or that of my family, especially my grandchildren. I do post pictures of them because my blog is a way to communicate with my family but I don’t post information that could expose them in any way.

It is sad that we all have to be so careful but since we are aware we can share general information without going into too much detail.

                                  - Click scrapbook page for a larger image -

This layout is about my granddaughter and my son. Madisen looks just like Ryan did when he was a baby. I put descriptive information about her personality but the personal information is on the next page of this layout which will not be posted to the internet (Please let me know if I slip and put personal info on my blog).

One of my favorite places to check out is my son & daughter-in-law’s private blog. I totally understand and respect why it is private. I feel so bad for those who can’t see it though because the written content is so much fun and the photos are adorable. My son and his wife (who does most of the blogging) have such a way with words. They tell cute little stories with words and photos. I love both of their writing styles because it reflects their humor and personalities so well. OK, so I also love all the photos of my grandchildren!

I liked Shimelle’s idea of making a pocket or envelope to put personal information so that it is hidden but since my scrapbook is digital (and my blog is public) I have to put it on another page.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

BFS Day 1 - Blog Intentions - Tammy

Since both my sister (Jerri Ann) and I have signed up for this class I thought that I should label my name so that you can tell who is who.  On this first prompt for the class we are supposed to declare our intentions for our blog.  There are several reasons that I wanted to start this blog.  One reason was to have a place to express myself creatively and to be able to share that experience with my sister and friends.  My sister lived on the other side of the US from me when we started this blog.  She has now moved to the other coast but we are still too far away to craft together.  It is fun that we both share similar passions and it is even cooler that we have different styles.  I love to see what she comes up with, she is soooo talented.  I also have several daughter-in-laws who like to craft (and are so creative) and sharing our passion isn't easy long distance.  This blog helps to bridge that gap. 

Most of my scrapbooking will be digital.  I do love papercrafts, quilting and other crafts but since I am layed up a lot I found it easier to create scrapbook pages on my laptop - it is more accessable and practical for me.

Between my husband and I we have 11 children, their spouses and 16 grandchildren.  There are three seperate families within this group and we are the keepers of most of their childhood pictures.  My goal is to scan and make scrapbooks for each family for Christmas (another good reason to scrapbook digitally).  Scanning pictures and negatives takes far more time than I imagined!  By taking some classes I hope to be more motivated and inspired as I try to reach this goal.

We are supposed to post a picture of our creative space but I didn't want to take a picture of me laying in bed with my laptop on my knees so I took a picture of our desk that I share with my husband and my nephew (for the last 4 months).  Since I have been sick I haven't worked there but as you can see it needs some attention badly.  I finally decided to come clean (or dirty in this case) and post a picture of where I will be creating when I'm better.  For now I'm laying in bed with my laptop. ; )

The thought of working here makes me tired since I will have to clean it first!  Maybe laying in bed with my laptop isn't so bad after all.

Lighting troubles!

I must get some better lighting in my craft room!!!

My gift and card for my swap sister in Australia.

Here are some pictures of the gift box and cards I sent to my swap sister in Australia for UStamp  Holiday 09.

I also included some mini kit kats and reeses peanut butter cups in the box.

Blogging For Scrapbookers

Since I'm still not up and around I have more time to lay in bed and dream of crafting or surf the web for those great ideas.  I came across a class that I can participate in right now called Blogging For Scrapbookers.  So as I learn new things hopefully you will see it reflected in my blogging and the design of this blog.  If you are interested in improving your blogging and blog site just click on the link in the title or the badge at the side (I just learned how to put it there).  I'll let you know more of what the class entails as I go through the course.  It started on Nov. 2nd so I'm only a few days behind and it looks pretty easy to catch up.

UStamp 09 Swap

As part of the UStamp with Dawn and Friends 09 we have the opportunity to participate in a swap with crafters across the world.  When I joined UStamp I didn't realize that it was a Stamp'n Up event so everyone was using SU products.  Everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging but I didn't know if I could be a part of the swap since I didn't have any SU products.

The person who organized the swap, Mirabella, decided that I should swap with her so that I didn't need to use SU products.  Today was the day that we had to mail off our swap item.  We were supposed to make one stamped item, one stamped card and one candy from our country.  Even though I haven't felt very good I made something and barely made the deadline.  I'm still pretty shaky so stamping and gluing are pretty funny to watch. 

I went on Mirabella's blog and found out that she loved being a SU Demonstrator and seems to love helping people.  Her blog is soft purple with butterflies (of course I don't have any butterfly stamps). 

I thought of the words Dream, Create and Inspire so that's what I put on the box that I made for her to store her scrapping supplies in.  Almost everything I did on this container and the card were not really what I planned.  I had to cover up so many places where I messed up or smeared ink  but I think it turned out pretty good considering my shakiness and lack of energy.  I also included an Idaho Truffle for my candy item.  I hope Mirabella likes her items from S. Utah.

Front of the container.  I used floral marbles with permanent marker underneath for the flower centers.

I thought of "Create" because of all the beautiful things she creates.

I thought of "Inspire" because of the teaching that she does.

Top of the container.  I tried to stamp right on the lid but it was concave and the stamp wouldn't go down solid so I had to stamp on paper and glue it over the bad stamping.

I thought of "Dream" because a person can't create or inspire unless they first dream of an idea.  Thanks Mirabella for making me feel so welcome.  In a few days I will receive a gift from Mirabella - how exciting.

I can't wait to see what Jerri Ann sent her swap sister.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Holidays In Hand - Want to join me?

As I was going through some of my favorite crafting blogs I found a free online class (referral from Ali Edwards) called Holidays In Hand.  What interested me was that the class description said, "We'll be making a great project to help you tell your holiday stories both past and present" and it's free.  Having Ali Edwards suggest the class gave it some weight also.  So I decided to sign up and can't wait for it to start.  You don't have to be a Digital Scrapbooker.  It sounds like she caters to both Digital and Hybrid Scrapbookers.  I can't wait to see what happens.  Both Jerri Ann and I have vowed to do more scrapbooking so I figure that this is a good way to start.  Interested in joining me?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Christmas 2009 Idea Thread on

"The M & M's Christmas Story

As you hold these candies in your hand,
and turn them, you will see...
The M becomes an E, and then a 3.
They tell the Christmas story. It's one I'm sure you know.
It took place in a stable a long, long, time ago.
The *E* is for the East, where the star shone so bright.
The *M* is for the Manger, where Baby Jesus slept that night.
The *3* is for the wise men, who came bearing gifts.

So as you eat these candies,
or share them with your friends,
remember the meaning of Christmas.
It's a love story that never ends."

I found this on the Cricut Message board and it was just too cute not to share. Don't be surprised if any of you receive M&Ms for Christmas. I will never look at an M&M the same again.

Christmas Organizer

Here is my first project from UStamp, an adorable Christmas Organizer designed by Becky Roberts. This is great for keeping wish lists, Christmas card lists, etc. It is the perfect size to fit in your purse and keep you organized.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Christmas List - Pros & Cons

I've been down in bed with swollen bronchal tubes for several months (damage from local forest fires). The Doctor has had me on antibiotics and steroids twice but it still isn't working very well. On Tuesday I go to a Pulmonologist and hopefully he can help me. Needless to say I'm very bored, have no voice, try not to cough and get very shaky if I get up for any length of time. Essentially I'm not able to do anything and my thought processes are a bit muddled (More than usual - oxygen seems to be an esential element for energy and brain function).

So, in my boredom I thought that I would make up a Christmas list so that I could get organized for the holidays. I've done a terrible job on Birthdays the last few years and I'm determined to do better. In the usual Tammy fashion, I opened up a spreadsheet and started typing in names of just my children, step-children, spouses and grandchildren. I knew that there were a lot but I was overwhelmed - there are 44 names on the list! This does not include my husband, parents, siblings or friends!

Now that I've faced the reality of providing Christmas wishes for our large family - I'm a bit depressed. Don't get me wrong, our family isn't expecting anything big for Christmas or anything but I would like to send some kind of token gift to let them know we are thinking of them. A lot of large families will draw names but we can't do that because we have my kids, Bob's kids, Bob's step-kids and 16 beautiful grandchildren. Since we have only been married 7 1/2 years the kids didn't grow up together and so there are a variety of different relationships between kids and grandkids.

My sister, Jerri Ann, suggested that I join UStamp with Dawn & Friends 09. I decided to join with the hopes that I could find some fun ideas to help me get through my Christmas list without breaking the bank. I have been pleasantly surprised at the fun projects and great variations that the members are making. Needless to say I can see a light at the end of the Christmas list. Having 9 sons and more grandsons this may be a challenge since as my son Ryan says, "Scrapbooking isn't manly." and papercrafts probably aren't much more manly in his eyes. Fortunately there are some cute ideas for couple gifts. Our daughters and daughter-in-laws, on the other hand will probably really like most of these imaginitive ideas.

Please don't get me wrong, I am very aware of my MANY BLESSINGS and am not complaining about having so many people to love. I just want to be able to send simple Birthday and Christmas gifts without it being a financial strain. We need to save money to go and visit all of these sweet families. August and December are the biggest gift-months. We have 13 Birthdays and Anniversaries in August and then December Birthdays and Christmas. WOW, we are so blessed...

Crafting when I'm sick...

There are two things I should never do when I am sick, cook or craft. So today I was reminded of this when I got out of my sick bed and made the cute little Christmas Organizer from UStamp. I was lucky though because I only broke one adhesive dispenser, put one pocket in upside down (instead of saying HO HO one page says OH OH) and ruined one piece of paper. I was shaky and felt wiped out afterwards. My husband told me that my lips were white.

The reason that I'm sharing this is that the craft was so easy that even I was able to make it and it turned out adorable. I still want to make a Belly Band to help it stay closed and then I will take pictures to post...maybe tomorrow when I get some energy.

Now I need to rest so that I can do the other thing that I shouldn't do...cook spaghetti. Maybe I'll beg my husband or Mom to do it today after church.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

UStamp with Dawn and Friends Holiday 09

Halloween card variations

I have finally finished some thank you cards I needed to send. Since it's October, I went with a Halloween theme. Each card is a little different, whether it be the paper, brads, ribbon, or picture (or lack thereof). The black "Thank You" and the black tree are embossed with a black sparkle embossing powder. Also, the paper the tree is stamped on is white, but the lighting when I took the picture makes it look pink. I will try to add the instructions soon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

PopRocks, Mercy River & David Osmond Sing!

Ryan is on the left holding the microphone

I wasn't able to make it to the benefit concert for Lori Udy and her family (because of a surgery) but I am so excited that my Brother-in-law taped the concert and is sending me a copy. In the mean time here is a short clip of PopRocks singing their last song. David Osmond comes in and sings the last verse with them. Mercy River also sang and I hear they were phenominal. In the Video my son Ryan is the tall center cutie rocking with the music. My other boy Alan (Ryan's best friend) is on the far right (blond).

I hope that they raised enough money to help the Udy Family. I am so proud of Ryan and everyone who lent their talents to try to help out someone who needed it. Ryan said that it started snowing during the concert and that by the end of it there was pretty much a blizzard. I'm glad that they sang inside. The first time they sang in Rockland (10 years ago) they sang outside in the park. If you would still like to help out go to their webpage for information where you can donate to a very good cause.