Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dimensional Details

My current class is also found at BigPictureScrapbooking.com and taught by Nic Howard, titled Dimensional Details. DiscoverPrework_webI decided to take this class because I sometimes overdue embellishments and am unsure of myself. New techniques and ideas would also be very welcome. Here is my prework layout.

I used my Cricut to cut out the word Discover and the swirl embellishment.


CIMG0422 One of our challenges was to find a tool from the kitchen to use on our layout. I found my pastry tool and inked a zig zag design around my embellishments. Who would have thought to use this for scrapbooking?  I wonder what Nic has up her sleeve for the future.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Design My Life – Finally!

Twelve weeks ago I started an online class at BigPictureScrapbooking.com which I was so excited about. Needless to say I didn’t get the time to do the class. So….I am now going to work on that class plus the current class. My first class is by one of my favorite designers; Cathy Zielske titled Design Your Life. I love Cathy’s layouts because she uses very basic templates and actually gets a lot done in a small amount of time. I sit and worry over each layout so that I don’t get anything done. I thought that Cathy could help and boy was I right! The class taught basic design principles which help me to not be so intimidated. Our first prework assignment was to fill in a page with our intention for this class. Here is my page:



Our next prework assignment was to create a 12 x 12 personal style/mission statement layout. I’m going to try to do most of these pages digitally so that I can learn skills to help me in my personal scrapbooking. Cathy has us keep a binder of our work and I love it because each page is a different size and so we are mixing it all up. I love the look and freedom to do what I want.


For those of you who haven’t seen me in a while may notice that my picture is a bit different. Yes, I finally covered the grey! I know it took Bob so many years to talk me into letting the grey come in but I’ve decided that I’m not quite ready. I LOVE it and feel younger already. 


Here’s the before picture a few days before.  What do you think?