Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dimensional Details

My current class is also found at BigPictureScrapbooking.com and taught by Nic Howard, titled Dimensional Details. DiscoverPrework_webI decided to take this class because I sometimes overdue embellishments and am unsure of myself. New techniques and ideas would also be very welcome. Here is my prework layout.

I used my Cricut to cut out the word Discover and the swirl embellishment.


CIMG0422 One of our challenges was to find a tool from the kitchen to use on our layout. I found my pastry tool and inked a zig zag design around my embellishments. Who would have thought to use this for scrapbooking?  I wonder what Nic has up her sleeve for the future.

1 comment:

Christy said...

THAT is so stinkin' cute!! I love it mom! It is totally YOU!! Beautiful!